The programme offers a general introduction to the political, social, and cultural landscapes of france and europe, and examines important issues and debates in france today. Histoire et relations internationales et interculturelles m. Korantin deloge is a fifthyear student at sciences po rennes, studying international relations in the european and global affairs masters degree. Forgez votre propre opinion avant dintegrer iep sciences po rennes. These higher education establishments are found outside the network of public french universities. Research fellow of crem center of research in economics and management, a joint research center cnrs university of rennes 1 my research topics cover the fields of industrial organization, strategy, and digital economics, with a focus on. Follow their account to see all their photos and videos. Sciences po rennes service des relations internationales, rennes rennes, france. Sciences po rennes international model united nations 414 15. Depuis quelques annees, plusieurs ouvrages ont ete publies en francais sur differents. Office of international programs oip was established in 2010 as an hub for the internationalization efforts at ku, focused on reaching out to prestigious global partners, quality students, academicresearch initiatives raising the global presence and prestige of ku. Histoire et relations internationales et interculturelles sciences po.
Decouvrez les modalites dinscription, le contenu des cours, les matieres enseignees et les debouches. The institution is one of 10 political science institutes in france and is considered one of the grandes ecoles. As an institute of political studies, sciences po rennes is renowned for the quality and the diversity of its courses in economics, politics, history, international relations and law aims to provide students with a wide range. Le site sciences po rennes utilise des cookies pour ameliorer votre experience sur ce site et vous fournir des services et des contenus adaptes a vos centres. Sciences po is for the first time the first university of. The interuniversity preventative medicine and health promotion service simpps. Rennes, france sciences po university created in 1991, science po rennes, the institute of political studies of rennes is the latest addition to the network of nine french sciences po. Master science politique, majeure relations internationales.
We offer approximately ten specialized masters courses, either on site or in conjunction with our partner universities here in rennes. Combining intellectual excellence and articulation with the requirements of the world of work. Roll call at the beginning of each committee session, the committee chairs will call member states in the alphabetical order of the committees working language. Institut detudes politiques, my experience at an iep. Integrer lecole institut detudes politiques sciences po rennes. If the student cannot have room in a hall of residence, zephyr association can help him her find a private lodging.
Iep stands for institut detudes politiques and is a type of university within the family of grandes ecoles. Isep exchange is a program provider offering 156 abroad programs. Theories des relations internationales, dario battistella, paris. In this world ranking released on march 4, 2020, sciences po is positioned just behind harvard university, and tied with princeton university. Insa rennes et science po bonjour a tous, je suis actuellement en ts et jenvisage daller a rennes pour suivre le nouveau cursus qui va ouvrir entre linsa et science po en 6 ans. Sciences po rennes international model united nations 314 iii.
Camille milloir finance officer interreg europe linkedin. Member states may reply present or present and voting. Lambassadeur disrael boycotte par des etudiants pro. Sciences po continues to progress in the 2020 qs world university rankings by subject pdf, 9. Sciences po rennes service des relations internationales. Founded in 1991 in brittanys capital, sciences po rennes is one of frances grandes ecoles, a group of higher education establishments of academic excellence. As an institute of political studies, sciences po rennes is renowned for the quality and the diversity of its courses in economics, politics, history, international relations. Created in 1991, the rennes institut detudes politiques belongs to the sciences po network of nine higher education institutes in france. Here is a short presentation of korantin so that you can get to know him better before tomorrow. Learn more about studying at sciences po, grenoble including how it performs in qs rankings, the cost of tuition and further course information. He attended multiple muns in europe, from milan to prague. The regional directorate for tourism drt is an executive department responsible for implementing regional tourism policies. Doublemaster en relations internationales avec luniversite.
Persons with disabilities are asked to contact the international relations office relations. Science po is strongly marked by its international. Sciences po rennes international model united nations rules. The institution is one of 10 political science institutes in france and is. Sciences po rennes international model united nations regles. Le sciences po rennes international model united nations, lance en 20 en. Professor of economics at the university of rennes 1 director of the master program economics of it and ebusiness master professionnel economie et conseil en tic et ebusiness contact information. Programs offered include study abroad, internship, volunteer, and intensive language abroad programs in 57 countries such as austria, australia, canada, and switzerland. Umass dartmouth umass lowell education abroad programs. Bienvenue dans les sciences po du reseau reseau scpo.
The degree devilered at the end of the iep curriculum is a masters degree. Sciences po rennes has 193 posts on their instagram profile. Sciences po rennes proposes a programme in english for international students who have little or no prior knowledge of french. Science po offers a specific educational model whose focus is to pass on the plurality of knowledge and keys to students throughout their academic careers. Defended at university of rennes i on november the 27th 1997.
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